Military Officers In Gabon Declare Coup And House Arrested President Ali Bongo Ondimba

Gabon Military Coup – Image Credit: Captured Image From The Video Posted On Twitter

Gabon Military Coup

Gabon: In a dramatic and swift turn of events, military officers in Gabon have orchestrated a coup, resulting in the detention of President Ali Bongo Ondimba. Following the conclusion of the recent election, the military officers took decisive action, seizing power and effectively placing the nation’s leader under house arrest.

The shocking announcement unfolded on national television, where a group of uniformed men identified as military personnel declared their takeover of the government. The capital city of Gabon, Libreville, bore witness to the tumultuous scene as gunfire echoed through the streets, marking the sudden shift in power.

During the televised address, the spokesperson affirmed, “It is brought to the attention of the national and international community that President Ali Bongo Ondimba is being kept under house arrest.” The announcement left both the country and the world at large in a state of disbelief, as the implications of this swift change in leadership began to sink in.

The rapid and unexpected military intervention has cast a cloud of uncertainty over Gabon’s political landscape. As the nation grapples with the aftermath of the coup, questions regarding the motivations behind the military’s actions and the future of democratic governance in the country loom large.

The international community closely watches the situation as Gabon navigates through this challenging and unpredictable period. The events unfolding in the country could have far-reaching implications for both its citizens and its standing on the global stage.

The capital of Gabon Libreville witnessed the gunfire over the military take over.

“It is brought to the attention of the national and international community that President Ali Bongo Ondimba is being kept under house arrest.” a spokesperson said on state TV on wednesday morning.

Military-Led Upheaval Unfolds in Gabon Following Election Outcome

In a swift and shocking turn of events, Gabon is plunged into uncertainty as military officers, proclaiming to represent the “defense and security forces,” declare a dramatic shift in power shortly after President Ali Bongo Ondimba secures victory in a highly disputed election. The astonishing announcement was broadcast on the Gabon24 news channel and witnessed by the world through various platforms, including the now-rebranded Twitter, referred to as X.

The abrupt change was initiated by the Committee for the Transition and Restoration of Institutions (CTRI), who assert their mission is to preserve peace by toppling the existing regime. A senior military officer, addressing the nation, declared that the election results would be nullified and the nation’s borders sealed, sending shockwaves through Gabonese society.

In a bold move, the military officer dissolved several key institutions integral to the nation’s governance, including the government, Senate, National Assembly, Constitutional Court, Economic and Social and Environmental Council, and the Elections Council of Gabon. The officer’s statements were met with a call for calm, urging both the local population and the diaspora to maintain composure.

The capital city of Libreville was transformed into a scene of chaos, with resounding gunfire ringing through the streets, as reported by a correspondent from Reuters. Footage captured jubilant scenes of celebration in Gabon, as citizens danced and reveled in the streets, waving the national flag.

International Reaction and Historical Context Over The Gabon

France, a former colonial power in the region, swiftly responded to the unfolding crisis. Government spokesperson Olivier Veran denounced the unfolding events as a “military coup d’etat” in Gabon, expressing deep concern for the situation’s evolution. France’s statement emphasized the importance of respecting the eventual election results once they are established.

The tumultuous events in Gabon add to a disturbing trend of military interventions in former French colonies across Africa. The continent has witnessed nine coups within the span of three years, a series of events that have raised concerns about the progress of democratic governance in the region. Notable countries such as Mali, Guinea, Burkina Faso, Chad, Niger, Tunisia, and now Gabon, have all experienced destabilizing shifts in leadership, which have posed significant challenges to their democratic advancement.

Recent memory recalls Niger’s military junta taking control of the nation, leading to its suspension from the African Union’s assembly of member states. In an attempt to restore stability, Niger’s military ruler proposed a timeline for the return to democratic rule, aiming to finalize the transition’s foundational principles within the next 30 days.

The unfolding situation in Gabon is a stark reminder of the fragility of political structures in some African nations, as well as the ongoing struggle for democratic governance across the continent. The reverberations of these developments will undoubtedly shape the future trajectory of Gabon and its place on the global stage.

Read The Full News Coverage At : CNN Mint BBC

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